Object Categories: Arcade game & Arcade Machine
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-10000 is to be contained in
in a designated containment facility with six containment cells built to resemble arcade rooms.
SCP-10000 must be surrounded by non-anomalous arcade machines and must be kept under surveillance,
be it in person or with surveillance cameras installed in the room. STF PT15-Σ "Os Alentejanos"
is assigned to this facility to ensure the anomaly is contained.
The facility's five extra containment cells are to be built in similar fashion in case of containment
breach of the main cell. Opening the emergency vault requires the personal passwords of two (2)
Level 4 credentials personnel and of one (1) Level 5 credentials personnel.
SCP-10000 is an anomalous game system capable of teleportation
to prominently
arcade rooms. It appears the anomaly does not have a specific range for the
as there have been sightings all across the world registered by Internet users
in a game
As such, the anomaly is divided in two: SCP-10000-A and SCP-10000-B.
SCP10000-A is the anomalous arcade machine which SCP-10000-B operates in. SCP10000-B
refers to the arcade
game in the machine, known as
disappearance of non-anomalous humans.
It has yet to be determined the specific cause
of the disappearances as footage suggests
the victims do not disappear upon contact with the
anomaly, and it's speculated that there
is a trigger within the game for such events, as there
has been footage of players concluding
the game. Further research must be conducted in containment.
SCP-10000 has been first sighted in
has yet to be determined. SCP-10000-B and the disappearances have been documented via game forum posts,
indicating the last sightings of the people that have gone missing upon encountering the arcade machine.
All evidence points to SCP-10000 having a preference to teletransport itself to any arcade locations
around the globe, be it abandoned or still operational.
The anomaly's last location was in
"Tripeiros" was dispatched to mobilize the anomalous arcade machine to Site PT13 for containment.
1- Specialized Information Technology Complex.
2- Division of Anomalous Technological Research Intelligence Operations, of the IT
department under Special Operations Command (SOCOM).